Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy also known as Idiopathic facial paralysis. It is most common disease of facial nerve. It is common for all ages and both sexes. The incidence is higher in diabetics. It results from a dysfunction of seventh cranial nerve.
what causes Bell’s Palsy ??
- Viral infection
- Lesion in facial canal
- Reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus 1 infection
- Reactivation is triggered by trauma,environmental factors,metabolic or emotional disorders.
ONSET : It is within 48 hours.
Symptoms :
you can see following symtoms :
- There is development of unilateral/ one sided facial weakness which one feels to be ‘NUMB’.
- There can be pain in the ear.
- Drooling of saliva
- Dry eyes
- Drooping of eyelids
- Impairment of taste, hyperacusis, diminished salivation and tear secretion.
How is it diagnosed:
This is done on the basis of examination revealing an ipsilateral lower motor neuron facial nerve palsy.
About 80% patient recover spontaneously within 12 weeks. A slow recovery predicts complete paralysis. Old age, hypertension, diabetes, loss of taste, hyperacusis shows poor prognosis. Some patients may develop unwanted facial movements like blinking, eye closure when mouth is moved or tearing during salivation ( CROCODILE TEARS).
Mostly recover completely
The conventional line of treatment is steroids and antiviral drugs to speed up recovery. Also artificial tears & ointments, eyepatch, splints are used to avoid drooping of lower face. Physiotherapy can help prevent muscles from permanent contraction. Physical therapies including tailored facial exercises, acupuncture to affected muscles, massage, thermotherapy and electrical stimulation are also used for recovery.
what can be done with Homeopathy :
Homoeopathy definitely helps us in dealing with the paralysis and also minimizes the chances of complications after bell’s palsy. The prognosis and recovery is great. Under the guidance of a registered homoeopathic practitioner Homoeopathy aims to speed recovery and reduce long term complications .
Few of the homoeopathic medicines are mentioned below but they should be given only after the advice of registered homoeopathic practitioner. Remedy for every case is different depending on the causation and symptomatology.
CAUSTICUM: This remedy has facial paralysis from exposure to dry cold of weather. Paralysis of single parts, face, tongue, pharynx.
ACONITE: It is well known remedy for numbness and tingling. Facial paralysis accompanied with coldness from exposure to dry, cold winds, especially in acute cases.
BARYTA CARBONICA: Contractions and spasms are covered under baryta. It is recommended in facial paralysis. Facial paralysis of young people where the tongue is implicated.
GELSEMIUM: Complete motor paralysis, rather functional than organic in origin. Paralysis of the ocular muscles, ptosis; the speech is thick from paretic conditions of the tongue.
Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine, 21st edition
Api textbook of medicine
Boericke W. Boericke O.E. New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory(with relationship of remedies)
W.A. Dewey Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics