Holistic Hair Care
“Invest In Your Hair; It Is the Crown You Never Take Off”
Did you know?
It is normal to shed a certain amount of hair every day. If hair falls out in more significant amounts than usual, it can cause distress and worry.
Having long and lustrous hair is a dream that everyone caters to. However, it does not come easy with the changes in lifestyle and lack of proper diet and hair care routine. Hair loss, or Alopecia, can start in adolescence and go on till old age, making it important to cure it timely. There can be multiple reasons behind hair loss, including lack of a proper diet, excessive stress, absence of a hair care routine, and medical ailments.
One can find more hair on your pillow or in the shower drain, or less bulk in your ponytail and a widening part line.
Healthy Hair
Maintaining strong and healthy hair requires a lot of effort and conformance to healthy habits and routines. Along with our genetics, our everyday habits and diet play a vital role in hair health and hair growth. Hair grows out of the hair follicles present in the scalp and since we are born with all the hair follicles we would ever have, keeping them healthy and active is essential.
Common causes of Hair Fall
- Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. Examples include:
- pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Discontinuing the use of birth control pills
- Menopause
- Medical conditions that can cause hair loss include:
- Thyroid disease
- Alopecia areata(an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles)
- Scalp infections like ringworm
- Hair loss can also be due to medications used to treat:
- Cancer
- High Blood Pressure
- Arthritis
- Depression
- Heart Problems
Treatments Available for Hair Fall
Multiple hair fall treatments like laser therapy, hair transplant, cosmetic surgeries, medicinal shampoos, thickening fibers are at your disposal to cure your condition. The primary step in hair fall treatment is to identify the cause behind the problem by undergoing medical examination followed by undertaking suitable treatment.
- Medicinal shampoos and drugs: Along with a hair fall control shampoo, consuming drugs prescribed by a hair specialist can also aid in restoring and retaining hair.
- Laser therapy: Is best suited for people either in the early stages of balding or those experiencing hair thinning. It is a combination of the latest laser beam technology.
- Hair transplant treatment: The Strand-by-Strand Ultimate hair procedure gives you natural, growing, non-maintenance hair that can be worn and styled according to your age and personality. It might be a long treatment but the results are incredible and can cure any stage of hair loss.
- Cosmetic hair restoration treatment: Gives a full crown of hair without any pain, scarring or surgery. This treatment is different from a wig, weave, or hair patch by giving the most natural appearance without any trouble.
- Hair and scalp fitness program: It can be effective in curing hair thinning as well as early stages of balding. Not only for people experiencing hair fall but this can be a good treatment for those who want to maintain good quality hair.
- Hair replacement: Cures baldness and thinning hair. It is performed by exceptional hair professionals using next-generation equipment to not just regrow hair but ameliorate the quality of your hair.
Homeopathic Treatment for Hair fall: Last but not the least Homeopathy is a natural therapy which one can opt for, for your hair issues. A rightly selected homeopathic remedy can correct the basic root cause and help greatly in hair fall cases. It definitely needs to be supported by right diet and a healthy lifestyle. A rightly chosen remedy not only stops hair fall but also increases hair growth.
Some commonly used remedies are
- Antimoniumcrudum
Losing hair from nervous headaches.
- Calcareacarbonica
Hair falls out, especially when combing; dryness of hair; great sensitiveness of scalp, with yellowish or white scales on scalp; sensation of coldness of outer head.
- China officinalis
Hair sweats much and falls out.
- Fluoricum acidum
Large patches entirely denuded of hair; new hair dry and breaks off; must comb the hair often, it mats so at the end; baldness. Falling of hair from syphilis. As near specific as is possible. Itching of the head and falling off of the hair.
- Graphites
Even the hair on the sides of the head falls out. Graphites cures bald spots on the sides of the head. The head sweats easily. The most important remedy in alopecia areata.
- Lycopodium clavatum
Hair becomes gray early; hair falls off after abdominal diseases; after parturition; with burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day.
- Natrium muriaticum
Hair falls out if touched; mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard; scalp very sensitive; face shining as if greasy. Natrum muriaticum has the symptoms of easy falling out of the hair; it falls out when touched or combed. This is quite frequently seen in nursing women.
- Phosphoricum acidum
Gnawing grief changes hair of the young to gray. Falling of hair from general debility.
- Staphysagria
Hair falls out, mostly from occiput and around the ears, with humid, foetid eruption or dandruff on the scalp. Hair pulls out without pain after the slightest effort.
- Sepia officinalis
Losing hair after chronic headaches.
- Silicea terra
Premature baldness, itching of scalp or of vulva before menses.
Food is Medicine!
Here are some foods items that should be mandatory in your diet. They’ll not just improve the texture but also the overall health of your hairs.
Although regular oiling or deep conditions (hair spa) improve texture of your hair, but what you put into your body will make a greater difference. A good diet which will provide the essential vitamins and minerals to your hair will ensure they look happy and healthy!
- Biotin is responsible for hair growth and increasing the volume of the hair.
- Biotin is water soluble vitamin B also known as vitamin B7. Or H. Biotin deficiency can cause discoloration or thinning of hair.
- Biotin is richly found in egg yolk, whole grains, cranberries, raspberries, soy and yeast.
Vitamin E
- Vitamin E is very essential nutrient when it comes to skin and hair case. It is crucial nutrient for healthy scalp. It prevents damage of scalp and hair from sun heat. Vitamin E helps in building and repairing hair tissue.
- Nuts are best sources of vitamin E. It is found mainly in almonds, walnuts and apricots. Olive oil, avocado, sunflower oil and spinach are good options for vitamin E.
- Vitamin E is also available in capsules form (Evion).
Omega 3 fatty acids
- This is essential oil that boosts the hydration for your hair and scalp. It is present in the cell that lines the scalp and protects it from damage by hot water, excessive fluoride, sun heat etc.
- Flax seeds are good source of omega 3 fatty acid. Oily fishes like mackerel, Indian salmon are too good source of omega 3 fatty acid.
- Omega 3 fatty acids supplements are also available
Vitamin A
- Natural conditioners to improve hair texture are called sebum. Sebum requires vitamin A for its productions. It is indispensable for a healthy scalp.
- Vitamin A is present in organic/ yellow-colored vegetables with high beta carotene content. Beta carotene is the substance that makes vitamin A. rich source of vitamin A are sweet potatoes, carrot, dark leafy green vegetables, pumpkin and lettuce
Not to forget Home Remedies!
There are several ways in which you can promote hair growth by employing certain basic things into your routine. These include both, avoiding practices that obstruct hair growth and including practices that promote hair growth.
- Avoid restrictive dieting: Our hair needs nutrition to grow and stay healthy. By following restrictive diets you might obstruct hair growth. You must, therefore, take a proper diet, especially rich in protein to boost your hair growth. You can also take soybeans for hair growth and walnuts that have benefits for hair.
- Essential oils: Rosemary oil, pumpkin seed oil, and peppermint oil promote hair growth. Among these, peppermint oil has the best results. Mix some drops of essential oil in the carrier oil and massage your scalp with it for 30 minutes to see excellent results.
- Massage the scalp: A scalp massage helps in ameliorating the blood flow thereby giving way to stronger hair with faster growth. Not only this, but it also prevents breakage of the hair, therefore, promoting regrowth with hair oil.
- Minimize the heat: Most styling products use heat which damages the hair leading to breakage. Heat also weakens the hair roots thereby becoming an obstruction in hair growth.
- Regular trimming: Hair growth takes place in three stages the last of which is telogen marked by thinning, split ends, and hair breakage. To avoid this stage from occurring you must get trimming done at regular intervals.
- Aloe Vera gel: Aloe Vera gel can be a natural conditioner for hair that works wonders. It is a moisturizing as well as a cleansing agent that can repair, strengthen and regrow hair follicles.
- Neem and amla mask: Make a paste and apply it to your hair or even directly consume them. The antibacterial properties of neem can aid in hair regrowth thereby blessing you with shiny and voluminous locks.
- Egg mask: Eggs are a powerhouse of vitamins and are a rich source of iron, sodium, and lectin which are all important for hair growth. An egg mask thus helps in moisturizing as well as strengthening the hair preventing hair damage.
- Minimize the use of chemicals: Hair dyes and other hair products having chemicals can damage hair massively. They cause hair breakage as well as the weakening of hair roots. It is therefore important to minimize the use of chemicals on your hair. You must try to use natural products as much as possible.
It is a widespread scalp condition marked by White, oily-looking flakes of dead skin that dot the hair and shoulders, accompanied by itchy and scaly scalp. The condition may worsen during the fall and winter.
Some dietary suggestions for preventing Dandruff
An unhealthy, improper digestive system is the main reason for dandruff woes.
- Zinc intake- Our scalp has a high concentration of sebaceous glands that produces skin oils (sebum) to protect the scalp. However, excessive production of sebum can cause dandruff. Food includes legumes, nuts and grains.
- Sugar Control- Sugars and simple carbs might promote more inflammation in our bodies, so it makes sense that eating a low-sugar, antioxidant -rich diet could help control dandruff flares.
- A healthy digestive system –Add fruits and vegetables rich in nutrition and fiber in diet.
- Food allergy – One of the most unknown reasons that cause dandruff is food allergies. Experts suggest using an elimination diet with the help of a nutritionist to figure out which foods cause dandruff in an individual.
Steps to reduce your risk of developing dandruff
- De-stress: Stress affects your overall health. It can even help trigger dandruff or worsen existing symptoms.
- Washing routine: Daily shampooing may help prevent dandruff. If dandruff shampoos aren’t helping, and if dandruff doesn’t get better in spite of all care needed then seek medical attention, see a doctor or a doctor who specializes in skin conditions (dermatologist) or seek help of a registered homeopathic practitioner.
Common Medicines for Dandruff are Arsenicum album, Badiaga,Calcarea carbonica, Graphites, Natrium muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sepia officinalis and Staphysagria and Thuja occidentalis but should be based on totality.
Diet recommendation for specific Hair issues
- Hair Growth:
Solution: Eggs or Greek yogurt. Packed with protein, eggs and Greek yogurt are essentially ideal for increasing the length of your hair
- Brittle hair:
Solution: Spinach, Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale are full of nutrients like iron and vit A or folate which are essential to keep hair moisturized. A daily dose of vegetable is enough to transform your hair from brittle to nourished
- Dull lock:
Solution: Sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are brimming with beta-carotene (essential for production of vitamin A). There is no better option that sweet potato to fight dry and dull hair
- Excessive breakage:
Solution: Guava, Vitamin C is answer to unwanted breakage of hair. It protects the hair from breaking and ensures it stays strong. Guava is rich in vit C and by rich we mean 377 milligram in one cup!
- Less shine in hair:
Solution: Salmon, Rich source of omega 3 fatty acid. Salmon is key to resolve dull hair to natural shiny strands
- Less blood circulation:
Solution: Cinnamon. Cinnamon helps in increasing the blood. Circulation in your body which in turn would provide your hair follicles with surplus oxygen and nutrients. So, add some cinnamon to your food to be it oatmeal / porridge or your coffee
Yoga for Hair (KeshaYoga)
We have Yoga to the rescue! According to Ayurveda and Yoga, we must have a balance in tatvas, doshas and energies.
Yoga can help you in preventing and reversing hair loss with the help of asanas, mudras andkriyas. Some Asanas will help the blood flow towards our head, encouraging hair growth. Some mudras balance our energies which in turn aids in overcoming hair loss.
Here are some Asanas, Mudras and Kriyas, which anybody can practice as a part of their daily routine to get those lustrous healthy locks!
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
This asana helps stretch and strengthen the abdominal muscles. When your abdominal muscles are stretched, it compresses the digestive system organs, including your liver and kidneys, therefore keeping them in a good working condition. Ahealthy gut helps in supplying more nutrients to the hair, thereby promoting growth of healthy hair follicles. Since you face downwards, the blood rushes towards your headland calms your mind, thus reducing anxiety and stress.
Shashankasana (Rabbit Pose)
Popularly known as the Rabbit Pose, this is an important yoga asana that is beneficial for the scalp and back. It should be practiced in the morning and the evening.Shashankasana is a forward bend pose. It stretches and strengthens the neck and the spine muscles, thus relieving the body from stress and tension.
It also improves blood circulation throughout the body. Practicing Shashankasana daily twice, especially in the evening will help you to sleep better. A good sleep is essential for healthy hair growth. A good sleep means very less accumulation of toxins and good hormonal balance leading to effective digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the body.
- Balayam Yoga Mudra (Rubbing Nails)
The process of rubbing your nails against each other is known as Balayam yoga. This mudra is also called Prasanna mudra. It is one of the simplest and easiest ways to reduce hair fall. Practice it every day for 5-10 minutes.
When you rub your fingernails, there is a nerve ending below the nails that stimulates your brain to send a signal to revive dead and damaged hair follicles.
Balayam Yoga mudra also helps stimulate the blood flow to your scalp, reducing hair issues such as dandruff and premature greying.
Prana Mudra
Prana mudra is one of the powerful hand gestures that directly simulate the prana flow. It also affects the earth element in the body, which ensures the strength and durability of hair.
Performing this mudra affects the subtle energy channels of the body, which in turn empowers the ‘prana flow’. Improved prana flow nourishes the hair follicles, which in turn refines overall hair growth.
- Kapalabhati
It is derived from two Sanskrit words: Kapala, which means “skull,” and Bhati, which means “light.” It’s a mind-body activity that rejuvenates and cleanses both. This breathing exercise helps cleanse the toxins from the kapala, meaning the entire head or face region, thus promoting better oxygen supply and reducing free radicals and enabling hair growth. Moreover, it helps reduce stress and anxiety, which are also contributing factors to hair fall.
NOTE: Kapalabhati needs to be done on an empty stomach in the morning under supervision.
About the Authors: This article has been written by Dr. Geeta Arora, Dr. Rolli and Ms. Gauri. The dietary recommendation has been contributed by Dr. Rolli who is a practicing homeopath and dietician. Ms. Gauri is a Yoga guru who specifically works on Yoga for female health.
Dr Geeta Rani Arora
BHMS, MD (Hom)
Chief Consultant, Heal with Homeopathy
K-30 B, Basement, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Pin -110019
Faculty, London College of Homeopathy
Email: healer.g@gmail.com ,Ph: 91-9818090953, 91-26431955
Dr. Rolli Premlani
B.H.M.S diploma diet n nutrition
Gauri A. Koustubhan
Founder Director, Preggers Yoga®™