Ovarian cancer also known as silent cancer because its often presents late as patients usually have vague symptoms like abdominal discomfort, bloating and altered food habit as main symptoms for a long time.
Incidence and Epidemiology
Ovarian cancer is the most common gynecological tumor in Western countries. Most ovarian cancers are epithelial in origin(90%), and up to 5- 7% of women with ovarian cancer have a positive family history.1 and 2 Patients often present late in ovarian cancer with vague abdominal discomfort, low back pain, and bloating, altered bowel habit and weight loss. Occasionally, peritoneal deposits are palpable as an omental ‘cake’ and nodules in the umbilicus.1
Risk is increased in nulliparous women and reduced by pregnancy(risk decreased about 10% per pregnancy) and oral contraceptives.
Genetic and environmental factors play a role. The risk of ovarian cancer is increased in patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, and Lynch type II families (a subtype of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer, HNPCC) have ovarian, tumors due to mutations of mismatch repair enzymes. Advanced age, null parity, ovarian stimulation and Caucasian descent all increase the risk of ovarian cancer, while suppressed ovulation appears to protect, so pregnancy, prolonged breast feeding and the contraceptive pill have all been shown to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.1
Mutations in BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 predispose women to ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancers may also occur in the setting of Lynch syndrome, inherited nonpolyposis.2
Initial workup for patients with suspected ovarian cancer includes imaging in the form of ultrasound and CT. Serum levels of the tumor marker CA-125 are often measured. Surgery playsa key role in the diagnosis; staging and treatment of ovarian cancer, and in early cases, palpation of viscera, peritoneal washings and biopsies are generally performed to define disease extent.1
No benefit has been seen from screening women of average risk. Hereditary ovarian cancer accounts for 10% of all cases. Women with BRCA-1 or –2 mutations can be consider prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy by age 40.2
Management by conventional treatment
In early disease, surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy is the treatment of choice. Surgery usually includes removal of the tumor along with total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. Even in advanced disease, surgery is undertaken to debulk the tumor and is followed by adjuvant chemotherapy, there are many chebevacizumab is indicated for patients with high-grade tumors that are sub optimally debulked or those with a more aggressive biological pattern. Monitoring for relapse is achieved through a combination of serum CA-125 and clinical examination with CT imaging for those with suspected relapse. Second-line chemotherapy is aimed at improving symptoms and should not be used for CA-125 elevation only in the absence of symptoms.1. About 23% of pts are stage I, 13% are stage II, 47% are stage III, and 16% are stage IV.2
Scope of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is used as an adjunct to conventional therapy for ovarian cancer. Homeopathic medicines show down the progression and recurrence in tumor. It’s advisable to start homeopathy as soon as diagnosis is known by CT and CA-125 levels. Surgery is usually advisable to take out the tumor load and use homeopathic remedies to stop further spread and then give remedies for avoiding and slowing down the recurrence. Homeopathic medicines are also given for raising the immunity and help in recovery from surgery and conventional treatment. Homeopathic medicines prolong the life of the patient and led them lead a normal life in spite of the underlying condition. Females taking homeopathy need much lesser chemotherapy cycles and tolerate them better. An integrative approach is an approach to be taken for conditions like cancer as patient has the right to get best of all therapies available rather than sticking to one therapy. A totality based homeopathic remedy along with specific remedies for ovarian cancer shows good results.
Some medicines which are found to be useful for Ovarian Cancer symptoms but the choice of medicine is definitely based on totality of the case and varies with each individual. Consult a registered Homeopathic practitioner for homeopathy treatment plan.3, 4 and 5
Arsenicum album
Ovaritis with burning lancinating pains, as if hot coals were burning the part, accompanied by throbbing, amel. by hot applications, and much aggr. by cold; restlessness, somewhat relieved by constantly moving the feet; burning pain in back while lying quietly on it; drawing, stitching pain from (right) ovary into thigh, which feels numb and lame, aggr. from motion, bending or sitting bent; ovarian tumor with pain in leg; metrorrhagia; scirrhous induration; violent burning pain in ovary, with extensive anasarca and pale waxy skin; thin, whitish, offensive discharge instead of menses.
Malignancies, tumors hard. Cancer ovaries, Uterus, polypi Leucorrhoea with weakness, back pain and labor like pain. Ovaries, enlarged and swollen.
Ovarian neuralgia; cramp like pain in left ovarian region, as if the parts were squeezed in a vise; intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness; bilious vomiting during the paroxysms; extreme weakness and lassitude with trembling of legs, aggr. From exercise and open air; sleeps badly, wakes tired. Ovarian tumor, occasionally sharp pain like a stab in right pelvic region, walks bent and presses her hands upon ovary; suppression of menses or lochia, and metritis from anger or indignation.
Fluoricum acidum
Ovarian tumor, right side, with continuous grinding, worrying pain and sense of weight; increased necessity to walk about, to exercise the muscles, without fatigue, regardless of heat in summer or cold in winter; too frequent catamenia.
The left indurate ovary swells up and becomes very hard; violent pains on touch, on inspiration, or hawking, when the most violent stitches shoot in it, with profuse general sweat and continued loss of sleep; tumor in right and left iliac fossa, hard, round, slightly movable, of the size of an orange, not painful to pressure; swelling and hardness of ovaries after menses; inflammation worse from cold or from getting feet wet; tearing, grinding, twisting pains in the right ovary, as if it would burst, followed by discharge of bloody pus.
Chronic congestion, usually with leucorrhoea; ovarian cysts and dropsy, with great bearing-down pain, indurations and enlargement; indurations and swelling, with tendency to cancerous degeneration; pain commencing in right ovary, passing down the broad ligaments to uterus; pressing, dull, wedge like pain from right ovary to uterus and through sexual organs (with or without menses);
Lilium tigrinum
Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the lower abdomen and upwards towards chest.
Left ovary indurate after a violent knock, followed by itching eruption on body and face; knotty lump above right groin, even a bandage hurts; lumpy leucorrhoea of unbearable odor.
Food and Diet
Food is the medicine as said by main stalwarts and I thoroughly believe in same. Fight against cancer cannot be won by one sword and has to be handled with different weapons. Food is one such weapon. An important aspect of food is to eat freshly cooked food at all times and do not use any preservatives. Using of as much as raw fruits and vegetables is another key to a raise one’s immunity bar.
Following few food items are advisable for cancer cases6
Tomatoes – contain phenolic acids which stop carcinogens triggering off excessive cell growth.
Contain plant chemicals called saponins, which appear to help inhibit the substances that encourage tumor growth.
Almonds and walnut
Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that trap and neutralize highly reactive molecules before they can damage cells’ DNA and start the cancer process. Anti-inflammatory compounds offer dual protection by reducing the formation of free radicals and by putting the brakes on cell signals that support and promote cancer development.
Fruits – blueberries, strawberries, grapes
Strawberry contains the plant chemicals p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid. These appear to prevent carcinogens known as nitrosamines from forming in the stomach, and may reduce the risk of cancer. Berries supply fiber which bulks the stools and makes them move faster through the colon. Grapes contain the phytonutrient known as ellagic acid, which, under laboratory conditions, appears to help neutralize certain cancer-causing substances in the body before they start to cause mutations. Ellagic acid is thought to be able to fight off carcinogens that are caused by environmental pollution.
Fatty fish
Salmon and Sardines rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamin B, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Fats alter colon cell function and may cut down on inflammation.
High diet in garlic decreases the risk of cancer due to allicin compounds that appear to prevent cancerous changes. Garlic’s antibacterial effect is also important as it helps to act against Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcer’s which in turn can become cancerous.
Leafy greenvegetables
Kale, spinach, broccoli, etc contains indoles, plant chemicals that appear to block harmful carcinogens before they can damage cells. It also contains isothiocyanates, which, seems to suppress tumor growth.
Contact us:
Consult us at our contact numbers with patient reports and fix an online appointment/ in visit consultation for ovarian cancer cases.
1. Ralston S.H., Penman I.D., Strachan M.W.J., Hobson R.P. Davidson’s, Principles and Practice of Medicine. 23rdrev.ed. Edinburgh; Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2018. 1417p.
2. Kasper D.L., Fauci A.S., Hauser S.L., Longo D.L.,Jameson J.L., Loscalzo J. Harrison’s Manual of Medicine. 19th rev. ed.United States: McGraw Hill; 2016. 1222p.
3. Dewey WA.Practical homeopathic therapeutics.3rd ed.New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers(P) LTD.;2009.
4. Clarke JH.The prescriber.6th ed.New Delhi:B. Jain Publishers(P) LTD.;2011.
5. Lilienthal, S. Homoeopathic therapeutics. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel; 1907
6. Ursell A. The Complete Guide Healing Foods. 1st rev.ed. London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd.;2000. 256p.