Don’t walk alone, seek help
Radha sriniwasan was 49 when she first noticed symptoms of the menopause, in 2002. But a bout of hot flushes passed quickly and Radha, a librarian for the University, soon presumed the worst was over. In 2004, though, the flushes returned with a reprisal; this time she suffered a month long , along with lack of energy, poor concentration and mood swings. “I’d be at the counter handling readers when suddenly I’d become totally infused with intense heat,” Radha recalls. “No sooner had I got over one flush than the next would come. I always felt hazy and losing control over myself.”
The average age at onset of menopause is 51, and its seen that that about 50 per cent of menopausal women are sufficiently troubled by symptoms – hot flushes are among the most common – and need some form of treatment; the most common treatment prescribed is a hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
However, there are many women who either do not find HRT giving results and there are few who do not want to go for it. There are many alternative therapies available which show promising results for treating the symptoms of menopause.
The reason why some female do not want to go for HRT or why some doctors do not recommend HRT for a long time is because studies show that long term HRT causes more health problems that it treats. This especially applies to the treatment plan which combines oestrogen with a progestogen. Studies show that HRT might reduce the risk of bowel cancer and osteoporosis, but it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer.
Usually women take hormones for one or two years during the menopause. Oestrogen alone is usual for women who do not have a uterus, but combination therapy is usual for others.
Hormones can help relieve the hot flashes and sweats that commonly happen as the body adjusts to the changes of the menopause. People who do not want to go for hormone replacement therapy or its not recommended for them, can go for one of the many alternative therapies which have promising results.
Homeopathy is one such treatment which has shown wonderful results for menopause related symptoms. But here there is no fixed line of treatment but each and every patient is given an individualized plan of treatment which involves the constitutional remedy which heals the patient .The advantage of homeopathic treatment is that is not just treats the menopause but also improves the overall immunity of the patient and makes them more fitter to face the challenges which come with this change of life. Homeopathy has promising results if the correct remedy is given as per the principles of homeopathy. Seek help of your homeopathic consultant if you or any of your loved one is suffering from this problem at this age.
Menopause is one stage which if troublesome for a lady, treatment must be sought for. It’s not something to be neglected thinking that it’s just a phase of life and a female should bear it. Women at this age especially in India are hesitant to report such problems but they also have the equal right to live with peace and in health. It’s important to take advise and treatment so the symptoms do not add to the agony of the lady going through this change. Help is needed so she is able to assume a daily routine and enjoy this change rather than feeling troubled and miserable with menopause symptoms .A moral support from the spouse and children and keeping yourself involved in various activities is also a great help for a lady going through these changes.