Constipation is a feeling of being unable to empty your bowels completely or regularly. A person is generally considered to have constipated if bowel movements are fewer than three times per week and a feeling of having unsatisfactory stools or have not evacuated the bowels completely. This is not a very great feeling
Constipation can reflect as feeling unable to empty your bowels completely, stools appearing dry/hard/lumpy, stomach upset or cramps, bloating and loss of appetite
- From low fibre , less physical exercise or sedentary job or some pathology
For cases where a pathological cause has been ruled out, following diet recommendations can be helpful:
- Add lentils and cereals
- Beans (baked beans,black-eyed peas,lima beans, kidney beans or any other type ) you can add to your salads, soups, or vegetables or with rice anything
- Kiwi
- Sweet potatoes
- Popcorns – not the butter laden ones , only the home baked ones
- Nuts and seeds – add to salads , take soaked ones in morning ,use whatever you you like
- Cereals – wheat – use whole grain flour, whole grain bread
- Pear, plums and apples
- Berries – indulge with different berries – but use seasonal ones : strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, or cranberry
- Flax seeds – sprinkle over your meal
- Broccoli – just boil and eat (high in fibre , Vit C as well as calcium)
- Bananas
- Papaya
- Prunes
All these above suggestions will help if diet is a major issues in your case, do remember to add exercise and walk to your routine. If all these steps don’t help, then it’s most likely you either have a some pathology causing constipation or have a strong tendency to constipation, and it’s advisable to see a health practitioner in that case. You can also seek help of a homeopathic practitioner who can give a right remedy to reduce and remove this tendency to constipation. Homeopathic remedies are beneficial for this problem and I’m so glad that at our clinic too we have been able to help so many people with this by giving the right remedy. So it’s not small remedies but the right constitutional remedy which cures constipation, do not self-medicate but see a licensed homeopathic practitioner if you are suffering from constipation.
This information has been shared in public interest and doesn’t replace medical advise.
Dr Geeta Rani Arora