Headaches are of different types, not all are same. Migraine is recurrent attacks of headache of varying intensity, frequency and duration often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is usually present before the age of 40 with 20 % of females and 6 % of males being affected.
- Family history
- Migraine can be due to dysfunction of ion channels which leads to a spreading front of cortical excitation followed by depression of activity.
- dietary precipitants such as cheese , chocolate or red wine .
- Migraine attack often occurs after period of psychological stress.
Clinical features
Migraine presents with symptom triad of:
AURA (neurological symptoms) precedes the attack and consists of homonymous visual disturbnces (like shimmering,silvery zig zag lines,star shaped figures) and hemisensory symptoms (like tingling, numbness).
- Some patients have migraine with aura (CLASSICAL MIGRAINE).
- Some have migraine without aura (HEMICRANIA SIMPLEX/COMMON MIGRAINE).
- Limb weakness can also occur in migraine (HEMIPLEGIC MIGRAINE).
Diagnosis: It is based on signs and symptoms. Neuroimaging tests are used sometimes to rule out other causes of headache.
Prevention It includes nutritional supplements and lifestyle alterations.
Alternate therapies like physiotherapy, massage and relaxation are effective.
Treatment Any trigger factors like stress, habits and food items to be avoided. The conventional mode of treatment is with pain medications.
Homoeopathic Treatment Migrane is one condition which can be completely cured with homeopathic medicines. Simple medicines can help relieve the pain acutely and bring quick relief of the symptoms. This then has to be followed up with Constitutional remedy which can completely remove tendency to migraine, though this doesn’t happen as soon as one takes medicines and gradually one can see the difference that when constitutional remedy is given the trig erring factors no more initiate the headache. One can see either reduction of intensity or frequency. Regular medicine needs to be taken for few months which completely remove the tendency to migraine.
you can contact us at healer.g@gmail.com or call us at 91-9818090953 for appointment for treatment of migrane.
You can contact us for same and we are more than happy to help you with migranes.
Belladona: violent shooting and throbbing pains in the head are characteristic. Patient cannot bear light, draft of air ,noise or jarring.
Cimicifuga: Remedy for neuralgic form of headache. Pain extending from occiput to the frontal region.
Iris versicolor: Headache commences with partial blindness, or blurring of vision. In sick headache with continous nausea it is very useful.
Gelsemium : Headache commences with blindness, headache due to eye strain. Headache starts in the occiput or nape of neck , comes up over the head and settles in the eyes .
Onosmodium: It has dull aching pain extending down back of neck or over on one side, generally the left with strained stiff sensation in the eyes.
- Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine, 21st edition
- Api textbook of medicine
- Boericke W. Boericke O.E. New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory(with relationship of remedies)
- W.A. Dewey Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics